
Week of May 22nd to May 26th

It was wonderful to see so many parents and family members attend the Gifted Parents’ Advisory Committee meeting last week.  The students have done some wonderful things this year, and I was so glad to be a small part of their experience.  I hope you enjoyed the evening and took away some understanding of the projects and activities students worked on this year.  It was a fun way to wrap things up and set our sights on next year!

This week we will be taking apart our K’Nex amusement park and organizing our things so we are ready to hit the ground running in the fall.  I wish everyone a happy and healthy summer vacation.  I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s experiences when we return in the fall.

I would like to give a special ‘shout out’ to this year’s sixth graders who were excellent role models for the younger students and who really gave it their all on many of our projects this year.  I would like to wish each of you a successful academic career at the high school and happiness in all your future endeavors!!!

Please contact me with any questions or concerns at (570) 874-3661 Ext. 3132 or at nnestor@northschuylkill.net. 

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